Saturday 26 February 2011

happy..happy..happy 7th birthday

Isnin,21022011- Jannah secara rasminya 7 tahun. Balik kerja terus singgah wilkinson, tak tahu nak bagi hadiah apa, akhirnya cari punya cari... dapat idea, baik beli kotak, boleh Jannah simpan barang-barang berharga dia untuk dibawa balik. Sebelum sampai rumah singgah rumah Ida dulu balut hadiah siap-siap nak buat surprise untuk Jannah. Sampai rumah Jannah dah
menunggu didepan pintu..tersenyum-senyum dia gembira. Masa tu juga dia nak buka tapi ayah dia kata nanti malam baru buka ok, buat jannah lagi gerammmm.

Tiba masanya..happy..happy..happy birthday Jannah.

Jumaat,25022011 - Saya buatkan sedikit jamuan untuk meraikan hari lahirnya bersama-sama kawan-kawan. Lagipun ini yang terakhir sambut hari lahir di bumi Sheffield selepas ni dah balik Malaysia. Malam tu Jannahlah paling gembira untuk tiup belon dan gantung kat dinding. sampai tertidur diatas sofa menunggu sampai siap. Esoknya saya buat surprise, dress up dia ala-ala Princess Bell. mula-mula ok tapi bila kawan-kawan dah datang, punyalah tak sabar nak buka sebab bila pakai baju tu tak boleh nak berlari-lari..habis jer seisi bergambar naik atas cabut tak sempat nak tunggu dua orang lagi kawan sekolah sakinah dan sofea..erm sabar jerlah.

Jannah n friends :) very sweet.

Mulalah fasa baru bagi seorang anak perempuan. Wahai puteriku sayang,semoga menjadi mujahidah cerdik yang solehah , lagi besar tanggungjawab mama dan ayah sekarang untuk mendidik.

Monday 14 February 2011

Rahmatal lil 'alamin

Selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul semua.

Kempen Bersama Cintai Rasulullah .

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Follow him, that you may be guided.

“tell you what, this chap at my uni said eating lots of crisps will make you brilliant!”

“I want to sleep 14 hours everyday coz _____ told me we should get enough sleep (which literally means go to bed and don’t get up until u no longer feel sleepy)”

Sometimes, we tend to follow what other people say or do without considering whether or not their words or acts are actually in accordance with Allah’s command. Why don't we follow the best role model there is- Rasulullah pbuh?

"Say, "O people, I am GOD's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He. He controls life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in GOD and His words.

Follow him, that you may be guided." [Al-A’raf 7:158]

Let's spread the love, and don't forget to do lots of 'selawat' for our

beloved prophet pbuh.

from the "Rahmatan lil alamin" team,

LUMS 10/11(Leicester Uni Malaysian Society)


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